Terms and Conditions
1. Definitii
MIDOPRIVEE – Denumire conventionala ce face referire la Mido Maison Privée S.R.L.
SITE – prin Site se va intelege Domeniul www.MidoPrivee.ro, subdomeniile acestuia si intreg continutul domeniului sau subdomeniilor.
Prin continut, in sensul prezetelor termeni si conditii se vor intelege urmatoarele:
Oricare dintre informatiile aflate pe SITE care pot fi vizitate, vizualizate sau altfel accesate prin utilizarea unui echipament numeric;
continutul oricarui e-mail trimis, de catre MIDOPRIVEE, CLIENTILOR sai prin mijloace electronice si/sau orice alt mijloc de comunicare disponibil;
orice informatie transmisa prin orice mijloc, de catre un angajat al MIDOPRIVEE, catre oricare dintre CLIENTII Site-ului, conform informatiilor de contactare, specificate sau nu de catre acestia;
informatii legate de produsele, serviciile si/sau tarifele practicate de MIDOPRIVEE intr-o anumita perioada;
informatii legate de produsele, serviciile si/sau tarifele practicate de catre un tert cu care MIDOPRIVEE are incheiate contracte de parteneriat, intr-o anumita perioada;
date referitoare la MIDOPRIVEE, sau alte date privilegiate ale acesteia.
CAMPANIE – actiunea de a expune in scop comercial, exclusiv in mod electronic si doar prin intermediul site-ului a unui numar finit de produse avand un stoc limitat si predefinit, pentru o perioada limitata de timp stabilita de catre MIDOPRIVEE.
SERVICIU – serviciul de comert electronic, in sensul acordarii posibilitatii CLIENTULUI sa contracteze produse si/sau servicii folosind mijloace exclusiv electronice.
MEMBRU – Persoana fizica care obtine acces la CONTINUT, prin orice mijloc de comunicare pus la dispozitie de catre MIDOPRIVEE (electronic, telefonic, etc), in baza unui acord de utilizare existent intre MIDOPRIVEE si acesta si care necesita crearea si utilizarea unui CONT.
CONT – ansamblul format dintr-o adresa de e-mail si o parola care permit unui singur MEMBRU accesul la zone restrictionate ale SITEULUI prin care se face accesul la SERVICIU/contractare.
CLIENT – Persoana fizica care are calitatea de MEMBRU MIDOPRIVEE si/sau persoana care a plasat cel putin o comanda pe site.
DOCUMENT – prezentele Termeni si Conditii
CONTRACT la distanta – conform definitiei cuprinse in O.G. 34/2014 orice contract încheiat între profesionist şi consumator în cadrul unui sistem de vânzări sau de prestare de servicii la distanţă organizat, fără prezenţa fizică simultană a profesionistului şi a consumatorului, cu utilizarea exclusivă a unuia sau a mai multor mijloace de comunicare la distanţă, până la şi inclusiv în momentul în care este încheiat contractul;
NEWSLETTER / ALERTA – mijlocul de informare periodic, exclusiv electronic, respectiv posta electronica (e-mail, SMS), asupra produselor, serviciilor si/sau promotiilor desfasurate de catre MIDOPRIVEE intr-o anumita perioada, fara nici un angajament din partea MIDOPRIVEE cu referire la informatiile continute de acesta.
TRANZACTIE – incasare sau rambursare a unei sume rezultata din vanzarea sau promisiunea de vanzare a unui produs / serviciu de catre MIDOPRIVEE catre Client, prin utilizarea serviciilor procesatorului de carduri agreat de catre MIDOPRIVEE, indiferent de modalitatea de livrare;
2. General
2.1. Prin intermediul termenilor si conditiilor se stabileste modul de utilizare a Siteului/Continutului/Serviciului de catre Membru sau Client, in cazul in care acesta nu dispune de un alt acord de utilizare valid, incheiat intre MIDOPRIVEE si acesta.
2.2. Folosirea, inclusiv dar nelimitandu-se la accesarea, vizitarea si vizualizarea, Continutului/Serviciului, implica aderarea Membrului sau Clientului la prezentele termeni si conditii in afara de cazul in care continutul respectiv nu are conditii de folosire distinct formulate.
2.3. Accesul la Serviciu se face exclusiv prin accesarea siteului public disponibil www.MidoPrivee.ro.
2.4. Prin folosirea Siteului/Continutului/Serviciului, Membrul sau Clientul este singurul responsabil pentru toate activitatile care decurg din folosirea acestuia. De asemenea, acesta raspunde pentru orice daune materiale, intelectuale sau electronice sau de orice alta natura produse Siteului, Continutului, Serviciului, MIDOPRIVEE sau oricarui tert cu care MIDOPRIVEE are incheiate contracte, in conformitate cu legislatia Romana in vigoare.
2.5. In cazul in care Clientul nu este de acord si/sau nu accepta si/sau isi revoca acceptul dat pentru prezentele Termeni si Conditii, se va considera ca respectivul Client a renuntat la: accesul la Serviciu, alte servicii/produse oferite de MIDOPRIVEE prin intermediul Site-ului, primirea newslettere-lor/alertelor si/sau comunicarilor din partea MIDOPRIVEE de orice natura (posta electronica, apel telefonic, SMS etc), fara nicio garantie ulterioara din partea MIDOPRIVEE, sens in care MIDOPRIVEE va sterge toate datele care fac referire la acesta din baza sa de date, fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti un a fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata pretinde celeilalte daune-interese in maxim 30 de zile de la notificarea scrisa a clientului.
2.6. Cu toate acestea, Clientul poate reveni in orice moment asupra deciziei sale de a nu fi de acord si/sau a nu accepta documentul, sub forma in care acesta va fi disponibil in acel moment.
2.7. Pentru a-si exercita dreptul prevazut la art 2.5, clientul poate sa contacteze MIDOPRIVEE, sau sa foloseasca legaturile din continutul primit de la MIDOPRIVEE destinate acestui scop.
2.8. Clientul nu poate sa revoce acordul exprimat in favoarea Documentului pe durata derularii unui Contract sau pana in momentul in care acesta nu va achita contravaloarea tuturor Contractelor neonorate fata de MIDOPRIVEE.
2.9. In cazul in care Clientul a achitat contravaloarea tuturor Contractelor incheiate cu MIDOPRIVEE si isi revoca acordul exprimat in favoarea Documentului durata derularii unei Comenzi, Clientul va indica motivele revocarii acordului. Daca in urma revocarii acordului, clientul solicita in mod expres si neechivoc anularea comenzilor aflate in derulare, MIDOPRIVEE nu este obligata sa le anuleze si/sau sa ramburseze clientului sumele achitate.
2.10. Acest Site este adresat doar Membrilor/Clientilor persoane fizice care au cel putin 18 ani, care au parcurs etapele inregistrarii corespunzatoare si care nu au fost suspendati sau inlaturati de catre MIDOPRIVEE, indiferent de motivul suspendarii sau al inlaturarii. Posibilitatea de a comanda online este disponibila doar persoanelor cu domiciliul in Romania.
3. Continut
3.1.Continutul prezentului SITE este proprietatea exclusiva a MIDOPRIVEE, acesteia fiindu-i rezervate toate drepturile obtinute in acest sens in mod direct sau indirect (prin licente de utilizare si/sau publicare).
3.2. Membrul sau Clientul poate copia, transfera si/sau utiliza continut numai in scopuri personale sau non-comerciale, numai in cazul in care acestea nu intra in conflict cu termenii si conditiile site-ului
3.3. Niciun continut transmis catre Membru sau Client, prin orice mijloc de comunicare (electronic, telefonic, etc) sau dobandit de acesta prin accesare, vizitare si/sau vizualizare nu constituie o obligatie contractuala din partea MIDOPRIVEE si/sau al angajatului MIDOPRIVEE care a mijlocit transferul de continut, in cazul in care aceasta exista, fata de respectivul continut.
3.4. Este interzisa orice utilizare a Continutului in alte scopuri decat cele permise expres prin document sau de acordul de utilizare care il insoteste, in cazul in care acesta exista.
4. Contact
4.1. MIDOPRIVEE publica pe site, datele de identificare si contact, actualizate spre informarea Clientilor sau Membrilor.
4.2. Prin utilizarea formularului de contact sau al serviciului prezent pe site, Membrul sau Clientul permite MIDOPRIVEE sa il contacteze prin orice mijloc disponibil, incluzand si mijloacele electronice, respectiv posta electronica (e-mail, SMS).
4.3. Completarea partiala sau integrala a formularului de contact si trimiterea acestuia nu reprezinta in nici un fel un angajament din partea MIDOPRIVEE de a contacta Membrul sau Clientul.
4.4. MIDOPRIVEE isi rezerva dreptul de a nu raspunde solicitarilor de orice natura, care nu au legatura cu produsele/serviciile prezente pe site sau cu un contract incheiat cu un Membru sau Client, primite prin orice mijloc de comunicare (electronic, apel telefonic, SMS, etc).
5. Newslettere si alerte
5.1. In momentul in care, Membrul sau Clientul isi creaza un Cont pe Site, accepta Documentul (Termeni si Conditii), se va considera ca si-a exprimat acordul cu privire la primirea de newslettere si/sau alerte din partea MIDOPRIVEE, transmise prin posta electronica (e-mail, SMS) si/sau apel telefonic. Optiunea cu privire la acordul emis de catre Client sau Membru, poate fi modificata in orice moment, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 5.3.
5.2. Datele preluate de la un Membru sau Client, in scopul expedierii newslettere-lor si/sau alertelor, pot si vor fi folosite de catre MIDOPRIVEE in limitele Politicii de confidentialitate.
5.3. Renuntarea la primirea newslettere-lor si/sau alertelor de catre Membru sau Client se poate face in orice moment prin solicitarea transmisa MIDOPRIVEE, de catre Membru sau Client;
5.4. Renuntarea la primirea newslettere-lor si/sau alertelor nu implica renuntarea la acceptul dat pentru document.
5.5. MIDOPRIVEE nu va include in newslettere si/sau alertele transmise Membrului sau Clientului, nici un alt fel de material publicitar sub forma de continut care sa faca referire la vreun tert care nu este partener al MIDOPRIVEE, la momentul expedierii newslettere-lor si/sau alertelor.
6. Politica de confidentialitate
6.1. MIDOPRIVEE colecteaza date cu caracter personal pe paginile Siteurilor sale, numai cu acordul voluntar al Membrului sau al Clientului, in urmatoarele scopuri:
validarea, expedierea si facturarea comenzilor catre acesta;
rezolvarea anularilor sau a problemelor de orice natura referitoare la o comanda sau un contract, la serviciile sau produsele achizitionate de catre acesta;
pentru a asigura accesul acestuia la serviciu;
trimiterea de newslettere si/sau alerte periodice, prin folosirea postei electronice (e-mail, SMS) si/sau prin apel telefonic;
contactarea acestuia, la cererea sa voluntara;
contactarea acestuia, in chestiuni de Relatii cu Clientii;
Prin crearea Contului, fiecare Membru sau Client si-a exprimat consimtamantul ca MIDOPRIVEE sa colecteze si sa adminstreze datele acestuia cu caracter personal, in conditiile si cu respectarea prevederilor GDPR.
Oricare Membru sau Client are dreptul de a obtine de la MIDOPRIVEE, printr-o cerere scrisa, semnata si datata, in mod gratuit:
confirmarea faptului ca datele care il privesc sunt sau nu sunt prelucrate de acesta
dupa caz, rectificarea, actualizarea, blocarea sau stergerea datelor a caror prelucrare nu este conforma legii, in special a datelor incomplete sau inexacte;
dupa caz, transformarea in date anonime a datelor a caror prelucrare nu este conforma legii;
notificarea catre tertii carora le-au fost dezvaluite datele a oricarei operatiuni efectuate conform lit. b) sau c), daca aceasta notificare nu se dovedeste imposibila sau nu presupune un efort disproportionat fata de interesul legitim care ar putea fi lezat.
În virtutea înregistrării voluntare pe websitul MIDOPRIVEE sau a accesarii (comandarii) produselor/serviciilor MIDOPRIVEE, Membrul sau Clientul este de acord cu (işi dă consimţământul pentru) procesarea datelor cu caracter personal de către MIDOPRIVEE în propriul sistem informatic, atât manual cât şi automat, în scopurile enunţate la punctul 6.1, în conformitate cu GDPR privind protectia si prelucrarea datelor personale. Dacă Membrul sau Clientul nu este de acord cu prelucrarea datelor sale personale de catre MIDOPRIVEE, acesta are dreptul de a nu utiliza website-ul şi de a nu oferi companiei MIDOPRIVEE date cu caracter personal.
Oricare Membru sau Client are dreptul de a se opune in orice moment, din motive intemeiate si legitime legate de situatia sa particulara, prin transmiterea catre MIDOPRIVEE a unei cereri intocmita in forma scrisa, datata si semnata ca date care o vizeaza sa faca obiectul unei prelucrari, cu exceptia cazurilor in care exista dispozitii legale contrare. In caz de opozitie justificata prelucrarea nu mai poate viza datele in cauza.
Oricare Membru sau Client are dreptul de a se opune in orice moment, in mod gratuit si fara nici o justificare prin transmiterea catre MIDOPRIVEE a unei cereri intocmita in forma scrisa, datata si semnata, ca datele care o vizeaza sa fie prelucrate in scop de marketing direct, in numele operatorului sau al unui tert, sau sa fie dezvaluite unor terti intr-un asemenea scop.
6.2. Clientul are dreptul de a se opune, colectarii datelor sale personale si sa solicite stergerea acestora, revocandu-si astfel acordul dat pentru document, si renuntand astfel la orice drept implicit specificat in acesta si fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata pretinde celeilalte daune-interese.
6.3. Pentru exercitarea drepturilor conform art. 6.2, Clientul sau Membrul se va adresa MIDOPRIVEE, prin orice mijloc de comunicare scrisa.
6.4. In cazul in care Clientul opteaza pentru plata online a contravalorii comenzilor, sunt acceptate cardurile VISA si MasterCard, emise de institutiile bancare, cu conditia ca bancile emitente sa le fi activat pentru plata online.
6.5. MIDOPRIVEE nu solicita si nu stocheaza nici un fel de informatii referitoare la cardul sau cardurile bancare ale Clientului, acestea fiind procesate direct pe serverele furnizorului de servicii de plata online.
6.6. Politica de confidentialitate MIDOPRIVEE se refera doar la datele furnizate voluntar de catre Client sau Membru exclusiv pe site. MIDOPRIVEE nu raspunde pentru politica de confidentialitate practicata de catre oricare alt tert la care se poate ajunge prin legaturi, indiferent de natura acestora, in afara siteului.
6.7. MIDOPRIVEE se obliga ca datele colectate ale Clientului/Membrului sa fie folosite numai in conformitate cu scopurile declarate si sa nu faca publica, sa vanda, inchirieze, licentieze, transfere, etc. baza de date continand informatii referitoare la datele cu caracter personal sau special ale Membrului/Clientului vreunui tert neimplicat in indeplinirea scopurilor declarate.
6.8. Exceptie de la prevederile art. 6.7 va face situatia in care transferul / accesarea / vizualizarea / etc este ceruta de catre organele abilitate in cazurile prevazute de reglementarile in vigoare la data producerii evenimentului.
6.9. Procesatorul/procesatorii de carduri bancare agreat(i) de catre MIDOPRIVEE are(au) dreptul de a accesa/vizualiza orice tip de date/documente, generate in urma unei comenzi emise, comenzi anulate, contract, contract anulat sau al unui contract onorat, pentru a investiga oricare Tranzactie, in cazul in care aceasta exista.
6.10. MIDOPRIVEE garanteaza ca datele personale ale unui client/utilizator/membru, colectate prin intermediul formularului de contact, vor fi folosite numai pana la solutionarea problemei comunicate de acesta, dupa care vor deveni date cu caracter exclusiv statistic.
6.11. MIDOPRIVEE nu raspunde pentru defectiunile care pot periclita securitatea serverului pe care este gazduita baza de date care contine aceste date cu caracter personal.
7. Politica de vanzare online
7.1. Accesul la serviciu
7.1.1. Accesul la serviciu este permis oricarui Membru care poseda sau isi creeaza un Cont sau oricărui Client ce va apela la varianta de comanda rapida (fara cont)
7.1.2. Pentru a i se permite accesul la serviciu, Membrul va trebui sa accepte Termenii si Conditiile ce reglementeaza raportul juridic dintre MIDOPRIVEE si client/membru
7.1.3. MIDOPRIVEE isi rezerva dreptul de a restrictiona sau exclude accesul Clientului la Serviciu, si/sau la unele din modalitatile de plata acceptate si de a sterge sau restrictiona Contul acestuia, in limitele legii, in cazul in care considera ca in baza conduitei sau a activitatii Clientului pe site, accesul si existenta Contului acestuia ar putea prejudicia sau prejudiciaza in vreun fel MIDOPRIVEE. Clientul se poate adresa, in scris, Departamentului de Relatii cu Clientii al companiei, pentru a fi informat cu privire la motivele care au condus la aplicarea masurilor susmentionate.
7.1.4. Fiecare Membru poate avea un singur Cont. Este interzisa partajarea unui Cont intre mai multi Membri/Clienti.
7.2. Produse si servicii
7.2.1. MIDOPRIVEE poate publica pe site informatii despre produse, servicii si/sau promotii practicate de catre acesta sau de catre oricare alt tert cu care MIDOPRIVEE are incheiate contracte de parteneriat, intr-o anumita perioada si in limita stocului disponibil.
7.2.2. Produsele si/sau serviciile achizitionate prin intermediul serviciului sunt destinate exclusiv uzului personal al Clientului.
7.2.3. MIDOPRIVEE poate limita unuia sau mai multor Clienti, capacitatea de achizionare a unor produse sau servicii disponibile pe site la un moment dat, in conditiile art. 7.1.
7.2.4. Toate tarifele aferente produselor sau serviciilor prezentate pe site sunt exprimate in lei (RON) si includ TVA.
7.2.7. Facturarea produselor achizitionate se va emite exclusiv in LEI. In cazul in care plata se efectueaza prin card bancar, MIDOPRIVEE va debita contul curent al Clientului cu sumele reprezentand contravaloarea produselor comandate, ulterior transmiterii catre acesta din urma a confirmarii comenzii.
7.2.8. In cazul platilor online MIDOPRIVEE nu este / nu poate fi facuta responsabila pentru niciun alt cost suplimentar suportat de Client, incluzand dar nelimitandu-se la comisioane de conversie valutara aplicate de catre banca emitenta a cardului acestuia, in cazul in care moneda de emitere a acestuia difera de moneda nationala. Responsabilitatea pentru aceasta actiune o poarta numai Clientul.
7.2.9. Toate informatiile folosite pentru descrierea produselor si/sau serviciilor disponibile pe site (imagini statice / dinamice / prezentari multimedia / etc.) nu reprezinta o obligatie contractuala din partea MIDOPRIVEE, acestea fiind utilizate exclusiv cu titlu de prezentare.
7.2.10. In descrierea produselor si/sau serviciilor MIDOPRIVEE isi rezerva dreptul de a utiliza si alte produse (accesorii / etc.) care pot sa nu fie incluse in costurile produselor respective.
7.3. Comanda online
7.3.1. Clientul poate efectua comenzi de produse comercializate la un moment dat, exclusiv pe site, prin adaugarea produsului/produselor dorite in cosul de cumparaturi, urmand a finaliza comanda efectuand plata prin una dintre modalitatile indicate expres. O data adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi, un produs este disponibil pentru achizitie in masura in care exista stocpe stoc. Adaugarea unui produs in cosul de cumparaturi, in lipsa finalizarii comenzii, nu atrage dupa sine rezervarea automata a respectivului produs.
7.3.2. Prin finalizarea comenzii Clientul consimte ca toate datele furnizate de acesta, necesare procesului de cumparare, sunt corecte, complete si adevarate la data plasarii comenzii, denumita in cadrul acestui document si comanda emisa.
7.3.3. Prin finalizarea comenzii Clientul consimte ca MIDOPRIVEE poate sa il contacteze, prin orice mijloc disponibil / agreat de MIDOPRIVEE si prevazut in cadrul prezentului Document, in orice situatie in care este necesara contactarea Clientului.
7.3.4. MIDOPRIVEE poate denunta unilateral comanda efectuata de catre Client, in urma unei notificari prealabile adresate Clientului, fara nicio obligatie ulterioara a vreunei parti fata de cealalta sau fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese in urmatoarele cazuri: neacceptarea de catre banca emitenta a cardului Clientului, a tranzactiei, in cazul de platii online; invalidarea tranzactiei de catre procesatorul de carduri agreat de MIDOPRIVEE, in cazul platii online; datele furnizate de catre Client, pe site sunt incomplete sau incorecte; activitatea Clientului pe site poate si/sau produce daune de orice natura, sau prejudiciaza in orice fel MIDOPRIVEE si/sau partenerii acestuia; realizarea a mai mult de o incercare de livrare consecutive, esuata;
7.3.5. Clientul poate renunta la o comanda efectuata, atunci cand este contactat in conformitate cu art. 7.3.3.;
7.3.6. In cazul in care Clientul renunta in cadrul termenului legal de retragere din contract, la o comanda efectuata, pentru care plata a fost efectuata cu card bancar si in care banca emitenta a cardului Clientului a virat sumele achitate in contul MIDOPRIVEE, suma aceasta va fi returnata de catre MIDOPRIVEE in maximum 30 zile calendaristice de la data la care aceasta din urma a luat la cunostinta acest fapt, in contul IBAN indicat in scris de catre Client.
7.3.7. In cazul in care un produs comandat de catre Client, efectuand in prealabil o plata cu card bancar nu poate fi livrat de catre MIDOPRIVEE, din culpa sa sau din culpa unui tert, MIDOPRIVEE va informa clientul asupra acestui fapt si va depune toate diligentele legale pentru recuperarea sumei si returnarea in contul Clientului, in termen de 14 zile lucratoare de la recuperarea acestei sume, daca recuperarea se impune.
7.3.8. Clientul nu are dreptul de a modifica continutul unei comenzi dupa ce aceasta a fost pregatita sau expediata.
7.3.9. Detaliile de livrare a produselor incluzand dar nelimitandu-se la timpul necesar livrarii nu constituie o obligatie contractuala din partea MIDOPRIVEE, fara ca vreo parte sa poata sa pretinda celeilalte daune-interese, in cazul in care oricare parte poate fi sau este prejudiciata in orice mod de pe urma incalcarii acestora.
7.3.10. In cazul in care un Client isi modifica datele personale, folosind formularele disponibile pe site, toate comenzile in derulare existente la acel moment, isi pastreaza datele definite/acceptate de catre Client dupa momentul efectuarii modificarii, luandu-se in considerare pentru livrare si contact, noile date modificate corespunzator.
7.4. Comanda telefonica
7.4.1. Clientul / Membrul MIDOPRIVEE poate efectua comenzi telefonice.
7.5. Transport
7.5.1. Livrarea catre Client a produselor/serviciilor achizitionate, este efectuata prin intermediul unei firme de curierat rapid. Firma de curierat rapid, prelucreaza date cu caracter personal ale Clientului MIDOPRIVEE, exclusiv pentru prestarea serviciilor de transport a produselor achizitionate de acestia de pe website-ul companiei si numai cu respectarea intocmai a prezentului document Termeni si Conditii MIDOPRIVEE. De asemenea, tertii parteneri ai firmei de curierat rapid, mandatati pentru indeplinirea serviciilor de transport, care proceseaza date cu caracter personal ale Clientilor MIDOPRIVEE, sunt tinuti la respectarea intocmai a termenilor si conditiilor legii cu privire la siguranta prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal si a prezentului document Termeni si Conditii MIDOPRIVEE. In acest sens, firma de curierat rapid poate contacta Clientii MIDOPRIVEE prin orice mijloc de comunicare (e-mail, telefon, SMS) in limitele si in scopul prevazut in prezentul articol.
7.5.2. Livrarile se vor efectua, in medie, in 3 zile de la efectuarea comenzii. In cazul in care produsul va fi livrat cu depasirea termenului susmentionat, MIDOPRIVEE va informa Clientul prin E-mail, in termen de 7 zile de la lansarea comenzii, iar Clientul poate renunta la comanda, fara a avea dreptul de a solicita daune interese.
7.6. Refuzul receptionarii coletului si Returnarea produselor
7.6.1. Clientul MIDOPRIVEE poate refuza receptionarea coletului ce contine produsele achizitionate prin intermediul unui Contract, sau, dupa caz, poate returna produsele, in urmatoarele situatii:
– Coletul prezinta deteriorari severe;
– Produsele au fost livrate / facturat gresit;
– Produsele prezinta defecte de fabricatie;
– Produsele nu corespund descrierii;
– Consumatorul are dreptul sa notifice in scris MIDOPRIVEE ca renunta la cumparare, cu respectarea termenului de 14 zile calendaristice de la primirea produsului conform prevederilor OG 34/2014 și cu conditia nedesigilarii coletului.
– Avand in vedere ca produsele comercializate de MidoPrivee, sunt produse ce sunt exceptate de la dreptul de retragere, conform art. 16 din OG 34/2014, deoarece sunt produse de lenjerie intima ce nu pot fi returnate din motive de protectie a sanatatii sau din motive de igienă, sens in care clientul nu mai este indreptatit la returnare decat in conditiile in care dupa desigilarea coletului, in colet va gasi un alt produs sau o alta marime a produsului, fata de cel/cea comandata de acesta
7.6.2. Clientul se obliga sa notifice MIDOPRIVEE, intentia sa de a returna produsele achizitionate, prin orice mijloc de comunicare scrisa (e-mail/fax/etc) in termen de maxim 14 zile calendaristice de la primirea produselor si/sau serviciilor.
7.6.3. Clientului care a notificat MIDOPRIVEE conform art 7.8.2, ii revine responsabilitatea de a se asigura ca produsele la care a facut referire vor fi returnate in maxim 14 zile calendaristice, in caz contrar, MIDOPRIVEE considerand cererea nefondata/invalida si poate refuza returul.
7.6.4. In cazul rambursarii contravalorii produsului, aceasta se va face in cel mult 14 zile calendaristice de la confirmarea returului.
7.6.5. In cazul inlocuirii produsului cu unul avand marimea nou comandata, inlocuirea se va face in conditiile si limitele unei comenzi normale.
7.6.6. Contravaloarea serviciilor suplimentare incluzand, dar nelimitandu-se la transportul produselor, achitata de catre client, nu se ramburseaza.
7.6.7. In toate cazurile, cheltuielile de returnare/re-expediere vor fi suportate de catre client exceptie facand situatiile prezentate la punctele;; precum si in cazul lipsei conformitatii, situatie in care MIDOPRIVEE va suporta contravaloarea transportului.
8. Limitare de responsabilitate
8.1. MIDOPRIVEE nu poate fi tinuta responsabila in nici un fel in fata niciunui Membru/Client care utilizeaza Site-ul sau Continutul, altfel decat in limita articolelor ce constituie Termeni si Conditii.
9. Forta majora si cazul fortuit
9.1. Exceptand cazurile in care nu au prevazut in mod expres altfel, nici una din partile unui contract incheiat, care este inca in derulare, nu va fi raspunzatoare pentru neexecutarea la termen si/sau in mod corespunzator, total sau partial, a oricareia din obligatiile care ii incumba in baza contractului, daca neexecutarea obligatiei respective a fost cauzata de un eveniment de forta majora.
9.2. Partea sau reprezentantul legal al partii care invoca evenimentul mai sus mentionat, va aduce la cunostinta celeilalte, imediat si in mod complet, producerea acestuia si sa ia orice masuri care-i stau la dispozitie in vederea limitarii consecintelor respectivului eveniment.
9.3. Partea sau reprezentantul legal al partii care invoca evenimentul mai sus mentionat este exonerat de la aceasta obligatie numai in cazul in care evenimentul o impiedica sa o duca la bun sfarsit.
9.4. Daca in termen de 15 zile de la data producerii lui, respectivul eveniment nu inceteaza fiecare parte va avea dreptul sa notifice celeilalte parti incetarea de plin drept a acestui contract fara ca vreuna dintre ele sa poata pretinde celeilalte daune-interese.
9.5. Partea care invoca evenimentul de forta majora trebuie sa faca dovada imposibilitatii executarii obligatiilor in termen de 30 zile de la data producerii evenimentului dar in limitele art. 9.3.
10. Litigii
10.1. Prin folosirea/vizitarea/vizualizarea/etc siteurilor si/sau al oricarui continut trimis de catre MIDOPRIVEE Membrului/Clientului prin accesare si/sau expediere prin orice mijloc (electronic, telefonic, etc), acesta se declara de acord cel putin cu prevederile “Termeni si conditii”.
10.2. Orice disputa cu referire la prezentele Termeni si Conditii care ar putea sa apara intre Membru/Client si MIDOPRIVEE se va rezolva pe cale amiabila, partile depunand toate diligentele necesare in acest sens.
10.3. Orice disputa, de orice fel, care ar putea sa apara intre Membru si MIDOPRIVEE sau partenerii sai, se va rezolva pe cale amiabila. Daca aceasta nu va fi posibila, conflictul va fi solutionat de catre instanta competenta de la sediul MIDOPRIVEE, in conformitate cu legile romane in vigoare.
10.4. Daca oricare dintre clauzele de mai sus va fi gasita nula sau nevalida, indiferent de cauza, aceasta clauza nu va afecta valabilitatea celorlalte clauze.
10.5. Prezentul document a fost redactat si va fi interpretat in conformitate cu legislatia romana.
11. Dispozitii finale
11.1. MIDOPRIVEE isi rezerva dreptul de a putea efectua orice modificari ale acestor prevederi, precum si orice modificari ale site-ului/structurii acestuia/serviciului precum si orice continut cu notificarea prealabila a Membrului sau Clientului, acesta urmand a-si exprima acordul asupra modificarilor, in cel mult 3 zile. In cazul in care clientul/membrul nu isi exprima acordul/dezacordul asupra modificarilor, in interiorul termenului de 3 zile, se va interpreta ca acesta si-a exprimat tacit acordul asupra tuturor modificarilor intervenite asupra prezentelor termeni si conditii.
11.2. In limita prevederilor Termeni si Conditii, MIDOPRIVEE nu va putea fi facuta responsabila pentru eventualele erori aparute pe site din orice cauza, inclusiv din cauza unor modificari, setari, etc., care nu sunt facute de catre administratorul site-ului.
11.3. MIDOPRIVEE isi rezerva dreptul de a introduce bannere publicitare de orice natura si/sau legaturi pe oricare pagina a site-ului, cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare.
MIDOPRIVEE – Conventional name referring to Mido Maison Privée S.R.L.
SITE – The Site will mean the www.MidoPrivee.ro Domain, its subdomains and the entire content of the domain or subdomains.
By content, for the purposes of these terms and conditions, the following shall be understood:
Any of the information on the SITE that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using a numerical equipment;
the content of any e-mail sent, by MIDOPRIVEE, to its CLIENTS by electronic means and/ or any other available means of communication;
any information transmitted by any means, by an employee of MIDOPRIVEE, to any of the Clients of the Site, according to the contact information, specified or not by them;
information about the products, services and/ or tariffs practiced by MIDOPRIVEE in a certain period;
information about the products, services and / or tariffs practiced by a third party with whom MIDOPRIVEE has concluded partnership contracts, in a certain period;
data relating to MIDOPRIVEE, or other inside data thereof.
CAMPAIGN – the action of exposing for commercial purposes, exclusively electronically and only through the site, a finite number of products with a limited and predefined stock, for a limited period of time established by MIDOPRIVEE.
SERVICE – e-commerce service, in the sense of giving the CLIENT the possibility to contract products and / or services using exclusively electronic means.
MEMBER – The natural person who obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication made available by MIDOPRIVEE (electronic, telephone, etc.), based on a usage agreement existing between MIDOPRIVEE and him and which requires the creation and use of an ACCOUNT.
ACCOUNT – the assembly consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allow a single MEMBER access to restricted areas of the SITE through which access to the SERVICE / contracting is made.
CLIENT – The natural person who has the quality of MIDOPRIVEE MEMBER and / or the person who has placed at least one order on the site.
DOCUMENT – these Terms and Conditions
Distance CONTRACT – according to the definition contained in O.G. 34/2014 any contract concluded between the professional and the consumer within a system of sales or provision of services at an organized distance, without the simultaneous physical presence of the professional and the consumer, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication, up to and including the moment when the contract is concluded;
NEWSLETTER / ALERT – the means of periodic information, exclusively electronic, respectively electronic mail (e-mail, SMS), on the products, services and / or promotions carried out by MIDOPRIVEE in a certain period, without any commitment from MIDOPRIVEE regarding the information contained therein.
TRANSACTION – collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale or promise of sale of a product / service by MIDOPRIVEE to the Client, by using the services of the card processor agreed by MIDOPRIVEE, regardless of the delivery method;
2. General2.1. By means of the terms and conditions, it is established the use of the Site / Content / Service by the Member or the Client, if he does not have another valid user agreement, concluded between MIDOPRIVEE and him.
2.2. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing, the Content / Service, implies the adherence of the Member or Client to these terms and conditions unless the respective content has no distinctly formulated conditions of use.
2.3. Access to the Service is made exclusively by accessing the public website available www. MidoPrivee.ro.
2.4. By using the Site / Content / Service, the Member or the Client is solely responsible for all activities arising from its use. It is also liable for any material, intellectual or electronic or any other damages produced to the Site, content, service, MIDOPRIVEE or any third party with whom MIDOPRIVEE has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.
2.5. If the Client does not agree and/or does not accept and/or revokes his/her acceptance for these Terms and Conditions, it shall be deemed that the Client has waived: access to the Service, other services/products offered by MIDOPRIVEE through the Site, receipt of newsletters/alerts and/or communications from MIDOPRIVEE of any kind (e-mail, phone call, SMS, etc.), without any subsequent guarantee from MIDOPRIVEE, meaning that MIDOPRIVEE will delete all the data referring to it from its database, without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages to the other within 30 days from the written notification of the client.
2.6. However, the Client may revert at any time to his decision not to agree and/or not to accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that time.
2.7. In order to exercise the right stipulated in art. 2.5, the client may contact MIDOPRIVEE, or use the links from the content received from MIDOPRIVEE intended for this purpose.
2.8. The Client cannot revoke the agreement expressed in favor of the Document during the performance of a Contract or until the moment when it will not pay the value of all contracts not fulfilled to MIDOPRIVEE.
2.9. If the Client has paid the value of all the Contracts concluded with MIDOPRIVEE and revokes the agreement expressed in favor of the Document the duration of an Order, the Client shall indicate the reasons for revoking the agreement. If, following the revocation of the agreement, the client expressly and unequivocally requests the cancellation of the orders in progress, MIDOPRIVEE is not obliged to cancel them and / or to reimburse the client the amounts paid.
2.10. This Site is addressed only to members / clients who are natural persons who are at least 18 years old, who have completed the stages of proper registration and who have not been suspended or removed by MIDOPRIVEE, regardless of the reason for suspension or removal. The possibility to order online is available only to people residing in Romania.
3. Content
3.1. The content of this SITE is the exclusive property of MIDOPRIVEE, being reserved all the rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through licenses of use and / or publication).
3.2. The Member or the Client may copy, transfer and/or use the content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the terms and conditions of the site
3.3. No content transmitted to the Member or client, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and / or viewing does not constitute a contractual obligation from MIDOPRIVEE and / or the midoprivee employee who mediated the transfer of content, if any, to that content.
3.4. It is forbidden any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the document or by the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists.
4. Contact us
4.1. MIDOPRIVEE publishes on the site, the identification and contact data, updated for the information of clients or members.
4.2. By using the contact form or the service present on the site, the Member or the Client allows MIDOPRIVEE to contact him by any available means, including electronic means, respectively electronic mail (e-mail, SMS).
4.3. The partial or complete completion of the contact form and its sending does not represent in any way a commitment from MIDOPRIVEE to contact the Member or the Client.
4.4. MIDOPRIVEE reserves the right not to respond to requests of any kind, which are not related to the products / services present on the site or to a contract concluded with a Member or Client, received by any means of communication (electronic, phone call, SMS, etc.)
5. Newsletters and alerts
5.1. When the Member or client creates an Account on the Site, accepts the Document (Terms and Conditions), it will be considered that he has expressed his/her consent to the receipt of newsletters and/or alerts from MIDOPRIVEE, sent by e-mail (e-mail, SMS) and/or phone call. The option regarding the agreement issued by the Client or Member may be modified at any time, in compliance with the provisions of art. 5.3.
5.2. Data taken from a Member or Client, for the purpose of sending newsletters and / or alerts, can and will be used by MIDOPRIVEE within the limits of the Privacy Policy.
5.3. Waiving the receipt of newsletters and / or alerts by the Member or Client can be done at any time through the request sent to MIDOPRIVEE, by the Member or Client;
5.4. Waiving to receive newsletters and /or alerts does not imply renouncing the acceptance given for the document.
5.5. MIDOPRIVEE will not include in newsletters and / or alerts sent to the Member or Client, any other kind of advertising material in the form of content that refers to any third party who is not a partner of MIDOPRIVEE, at the time of sending newsletters and / or alerts.
6. Privacy Policy
6.1. MIDOPRIVEE collects personal data on the pages of its Sites, only with the voluntary consent of the Member or client, for the following purposes:
validation, dispatch and billing of orders to it;
solving cancellations or problems of any kind related to an order or contract, to the services or products purchased by it;
to ensure his access to the service;
sending newsletters and / or periodic alerts, by using electronic mail (e-mail, SMS) and / or by phone call;
contacting him, at his/her voluntary request;
contacting them in Customer Service matters;
By creating the Account, each Member or Client has expressed their consent for MIDOPRIVEE to collect and manage their personal data, under the conditions and in compliance with the GDPR provisions.
Any Member or Client has the right to obtain from MIDOPRIVEE, through a written, signed and dated request, free of charge:
confirmation that the data concerning him are or are not processed by him
as the case may be, the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data whose processing is not in accordance with the law, especially incomplete or inaccurate data;
as the case may be, the transformation into anonymous data of the data whose processing is not in accordance with the law;
notification to third parties to whom the data have been disclosed of any operation performed according to letters b) or c), if this notification does not prove impossible or does not involve a disproportionate effort in relation to the legitimate interest that could be harmed.
By virtue of voluntary registration on the MIDOPRIVEE website or by accessing (ordering) MIDOPRIVEE products/services, the Member or client agrees to (gives his/her consent to) the processing of personal data by MIDOPRIVEE in his/her own computer system, both manually and automatically, for the purposes stated in point 6.1, in accordance with the GDPR regarding the protection and processing of personal data. If the Member or client does not agree to the processing of his/her personal data by MIDOPRIVEE, he/she has the right not to use the website and not to provide MIDOPRIVEE with personal data.
Any Member or Client has the right to oppose at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons related to its particular situation, by sending to MIDOPRIVEe a request drawn up in written form, dated and signed as data aimed at it to be the subject of a processing, unless there are legal provisions to the contrary. In case of justified opposition, the processing can no longer target the data in question.
Any Member or Client has the right to oppose at any time, free of charge and without any justification by sending to MIDOPRIVEEe a request drawn up in written, dated and signed form, that the data aimed at it be processed for direct marketing purposes, on behalf of the operator or of a third party, or to be disclosed to third parties for such a purpose.
6.2. The Client has the right to oppose the collection of his personal data and to request their deletion, thus revoking his consent given for the document, and thus renouncing any implicit right specified therein and without any subsequent obligation of any party towards the other or without any party being able to claim the other damages.
6.3. For the exercise of the rights according to art. 6.2, the Client or member shall address MIDOPRIVEE, by any means of written communication.
6.4. If the Client opts for the online payment of the value of the orders, visa and MasterCard cards, issued by banking institutions, are accepted, provided that the issuing banks have activated them for online payment.
6.5. MIDOPRIVEE does not request or store any information regarding the Client's card or bank cards, which are processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.
6.6. Midoprivee privacy policy refers only to the data voluntarily provided by the Client or Member exclusively on the site. MIDOPRIVEE is not responsible for the privacy policy practiced by any other third party that can be reached through links, regardless of their nature, outside the site.
6.7. MIDOPRIVEE undertakes that the collected data of the Client / Member to be used only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to make public, to sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. the database containing information regarding the personal or special data of the Member / Client of any third party not involved in the fulfillment of the declared purposes.
6.8. Exception to the provisions of art. 6.7 will make the situation in which the transfer / access / visualization / etc. is required by the competent bodies in the cases provided by the regulations in force at the date of the event.
6.9. The bank card processor(s) approved by MIDOPRIVEE has the right to access/view any type of data/documents, generated as a result of an order issued, cancelled orders, contract, cancelled contract or an honored contract, in order to investigate any Transaction, if any.
6.10. MIDOPRIVEE guarantees that the personal data of a client / user / member, collected through the contact form, will be used only until the problem communicated by it is solved, after which they will become exclusively statistical data.
6.11. MIDOPRIVEE is not responsible for malfunctions that may endanger the security of the server on which the database containing these personal data is hosted.
7. Online sales policy
7.1. Access to the service
7.1.1. Access to the service is allowed to any Member who possesses or creates an Account or to any Client who will use the quick order option (without account)
7.1.2. In order to be allowed access to the service, the Member will have to accept the Terms and Conditions regulating the legal relationship between MIDOPRIVEE and the client/ member
7.1.3. MIDOPRIVEE reserves the right to restrict or exclude the Client's access to the Service, and/or to some of the accepted payment methods and to delete or restrict his Account, within the limits of the law, if it considers that based on the Client's conduct or activity on the site, the access and existence of his Account could prejudice or prejudice in any way MIDOPRIVEE. The Client may address, in writing, to the Customer Relations Department of the company, in order to be informed about the reasons that led to the application of the above-mentioned measures.
7.1.4. Each Member may have only one Account. It is forbidden to share an Account between several Members/Clients.
7.2. Products and services
7.2.1. MIDOPRIVEE may publish on the site information about products, services and / or promotions practiced by it or by any other third party with whom MIDOPRIVEE has concluded partnership contracts, within a certain period and within the limit of the available stock.
7.2.2. The products and/or services purchased through the service are intended exclusively for the Personal Use of the Client.
7.2.3. MIDOPRIVEE may limit one or more Clients, the capacity to purchase products or services available on the site at a certain time, under the conditions of art. 7.1.
7.2.4. All tariffs related to the products or services presented on the site are expressed in lei (RON) and include VAT.
7.2.7. The invoicing of the purchased products will be issued exclusively in LEI. If the payment is made by bank card, MIDOPRIVEE will debit the Client's current account with the amounts representing the value of the ordered products, after sending to the latter the confirmation of the order.
7.2.8. In the case of online payments, MIDOPRIVEE is not / cannot be held responsible for any other additional cost incurred by the Client, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the bank issuing his card, if the currency of its issuance differs from the national currency. The responsibility for this action lies only with the Client.
7.2.9. All the information used to describe the products and / or services available on the site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation from MIDOPRIVEE, they are used exclusively for presentation purposes.
7.2.10. In the description of products and / or services MIDOPRIVEE reserves the right to use other products (accessories / etc.) that may not be included in the costs of the respective products.
7.3. Order online
7.3.1. The customer can make orders of products sold at a certain time, exclusively on the site, by adding the desired product / products to the shopping cart, and will complete the order by making the payment by one of the ways expressly indicated. Once added to the shopping cart, a product is available for purchase to the extent that there is stock on stock. Adding a product to the shopping cart, in the absence of completing the order, does not entail the automatic reservation of that product.
7.3.2. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the time of placing the order, named in this document and the order issued.
7.3.3. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that MIDOPRIVEE may contact him, by any means available / agreed by MIDOPRIVEE and provided for in this Document, in any situation in which it is necessary to contact the Client.
7.3.4. MIDOPRIVEE may unilaterally denounce the order made by the Client, following a prior notification addressed to the Client, without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other party or without any party being able to claim damages to the other in the following cases: non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client's card, of the transaction, in case of online payment; invalidation of the transaction by the card processor agreed by MIDOPRIVEE, in case of online payment; the data provided by the Client on the site are incomplete or incorrect; the Client's activity on the site may and/or cause damages of any kind, or prejudices in any way MIDOPRIVEE and/or its partners; performing more than one consecutive delivery attempt, failed;
7.3.5. The Customer may renounce an order made when contacted in accordance with art. 7.3.3.;
7.3.6. In case the Client gives up within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, to an order made, for which the payment was made by bank card and in which the bank issuing the Client's card has transferred the amounts paid into the MIDOPRIVEE account, this amount will be returned by MIDOPRIVEE within maximum 30 calendar days from the date on which the latter became aware of this fact, in the IBAN account indicated in writing by the Client.
7.3.7. If a product ordered by the Client, making a payment in advance by bank card, cannot be delivered by MIDOPRIVEE, due to its fault or due to the fault of a third party, MIDOPRIVEE will inform the Client about this fact and will submit all legal diligences for the recovery of the amount and the return to the Client's account, within 14 working days from the recovery of this amount, if recovery is required.
7.3.8. The customer does not have the right to modify the content of an order after it has been prepared or dispatched.
7.3.9. The delivery details of the products including but not being limited to the time necessary for delivery do not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of MIDOPRIVEE, without any party being able to claim the other damages-interests, if any party can be or is prejudiced in any way from their violation.
7.3.10. In case a Client changes his personal data, using the forms available on the site, all the orders in progress existing at that time, keep the data defined / accepted by the Client after the moment of making the change, taking into account for delivery and contact, the new data modified accordingly.
7.4. Telephone order
7.4.1. Midoprivee customer / member can make telephone orders.
7.5. Transport
7.5.1. The delivery to the Client of the purchased products/services is made through a courier company. The express courier company, processes personal data of the MIDOPRIVEE Client, exclusively for the provision of transport services of the products purchased by them from the company's website and only with the exact observance of this document midoprivee terms and conditions. Also, the third partners of the express courier company, mandated for the fulfillment of the transport services, which process personal data of MIDOPRIVEE Clients, are bound to comply exactly with the terms and conditions of the law on the safety of personal data processing and this document MIDOPRIVEE Terms and Conditions. In this regard, the express courier company may contact midoprivee clients by any means of communication (e-mail, telephone, SMS) within the limits and for the purpose stipulated in this article.
7.5.2. Deliveries will be made, on average, within 3 days from the order. If the product will be delivered exceeding the above mentioned term, MIDOPRIVEE will inform the Customer by e-mail, within 7 days from the launch of the order, and the Customer may renounce the order, without having the right to claim damages.
7.6. Refusal to receive the package and Return of the products
7.6.1. Midoprivee customer may refuse to receive the package containing the products purchased through a Contract, or, as the case may be, may return the products, in the following situations:
– The package shows severe damage;
– The products were delivered / invoiced wrongly;
– The products have manufacturing defects;
– The products do not correspond to the description;
– The consumer has the right to notify midoprivee in writing that he gives up the purchase, in compliance with the term of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the product according to the provisions of GO 34/2014 and provided that the package is not sealed.
– Considering that the products marketed by MidoPrivee, are products that are exempted from the right of withdrawal, according to art. 16 of GO 34/2014, because they are underwear products that cannot be returned for health protection reasons or for hygiene reasons, meaning that the customer is no longer entitled to return unless after unsealing the package, in the package will find another product or another size of the product, compared to the one / the one ordered by it
7.6.2. The Client undertakes to notify MIDOPRIVEE of his intention to return the purchased products, by any means of written communication (e-mail / fax / etc.) within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the products and / or services.
7.6.3. The Client who notified MIDOPRIVEE according to art. 7.8.2, has the responsibility to ensure that the products to which he referred will be returned within 14 calendar days, otherwise, MIDOPRIVEE considering the request unfounded / invalid and may refuse the return.
7.6.4. In case of reimbursement of the value of the product, this will be done within 14 calendar days from the confirmation of the return.
7.6.5. In case of replacing the product with one with the newly ordered size, the replacement will be made under the conditions and limits of a normal order.
7.6.6. The value of the additional services including, but not limited to the transport of the products, paid by the customer, is not reimbursed.
7.6.7. In all cases, the return / re-dispatch costs will be borne by the customer except for the situations presented in points;; as well as in case of lack of conformity, situation in which MIDOPRIVEE will bear the value of the transport.
8. Limitation of liability
8.1. MIDOPRIVEE cannot be held responsible in any way in front of any Member / Client who uses the Site or the Content, otherwise than within the limits of the articles that constitute the Terms and Conditions.
9. Force majeure and the fortuitous case
9.1. Except for the cases in which they have not expressly provided otherwise, none of the parts of a concluded contract, which is still in progress, shall not be liable for the non-execution on time and/or properly, totally or partially, of any of the obligations incumbent on them under the contract, if the non-execution of the respective obligation was caused by a force majeure event.
9.2. The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the above-mentioned event, will inform the other, immediately and completely, of its occurrence and to take any measures at its disposal in order to limit the consequences of that event.
9.3. The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the above-mentioned event is exempted from this obligation only if the event prevents it from carrying it out.
9.4. If within 15 days from the date of its occurrence, the respective event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the termination of this contract without any of them being able to claim damages-interests from the other party.
9.5. The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of executing the obligations within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the event but within the limits of art. 9.3.
10. Disputes
10.1. By using/visiting/viewing/etc. the sites and/or any content sent by MIDOPRIVEE to the Member/Client by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), he/she agrees at least with the provisions of the "Terms and Conditions".
10.2. Any dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions that may arise between the Member / Client and MIDOPRIVEE will be settled amicably, the parties making all the necessary efforts in this regard.
10.3. Any dispute, of any kind, that may arise between the Member and MIDOPRIVEE or its partners, will be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by the competent court at midoprivee headquarters, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
10.4. If any of the above clauses will be found null or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses.
10.5. This document has been drafted and will be interpreted in accordance with the Romanian legislation.
11. Final provisions
11.1. MIDOPRIVEE reserves the right to be able to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site / its structure / service as well as any content with the prior notification of the Member or Client, who will express his/her agreement to the changes, within 3 days. If the client / member does not express his/her agreement/disagreement on the changes, within the 3-day term, it will be interpreted that he/she has tacitly expressed his/her agreement to all the changes occurred on these terms and conditions.
11.2. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, MIDOPRIVEE will not be held responsible for any errors occurred on the site for any reason, including due to changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the site administrator.
11.3. MIDOPRIVEE reserves the right to introduce advertising banners of any nature and / or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force.